Wednesday, December 3, 2008


For my access lab visit I went to M.G.M. I went to M.G.M. before they had an access lab and I am jealous. All the new technology is great. They have lap tops for all the students, a smart board, and a great over head projector. I loved the visit and it was great seeing Mr. Rose, my old psychology teacher, who helps run the program again.

My EDM 310 Blog Assignments are Now Complete

Finally I am Finished!!! Well I hope everyone finished their blogs and has enjoyed this class like I have. Everyone have a safe and fun Christmas vacation. BYE!

EDM 310 Class

I learned alot in this class. I enjoyed doing the pod casts but hate doing spread sheets. I am better at google documents than the spread sheet. Atleast now I know how to do a spread sheet incase I ever need to do one. I really benifited in this class. I have always hated computers but now I know I just need to take more class so I will actually know what I am doing. Because of this class I learned how to blog. Blogging is so easy I should have started doing this years ago. I do not think I can think of anything I did not learn in this class.

EDM Blog

I looked at a few of my classmates blogs and really enjoyed reading the profiles. Some of the people I looked at I did not know and reading there profiles gave me an insite to their personalities. One one of the blogs I looked at this women had a picture of her daughter on there and I thought that was sweet.
I personally fell behind on my blogs. I finally caught up and realised I was not the only one who was behind. I was so caught up on other class assignments that I forgot about my blogs. I did like blogging even though I fell behind.
With blogging I learned about schools in another country and schools in the U.S. too. I liked looking up these different places. I reminds me that there are other places outside of Mobile, Al.
I am going to try and use a blog when I become a teacher. After all that is why Dr. Strange has us do this.
I noticed in some of the other blogs that some of the other students are more organised in their blogs than I am. I have an informal way of writing in my blogs as you can tell. Some of the other students had a more formal approach. I liked them all.

Studies at Duke

These pod casts covered a variety of different topics. They talked about historical times and other information. They also talked about some sad topics like the 9-11-2001 and the shooting at Virginia Tech. They were all informative and well researched topics.
I enjoyed listening to them. These are not just informative but also motivational to me. I think these were some of the better ones.

EDM Podcasts

Well let me start this post off by saying that was so fun!! I was so nervous at first when Dr. Strange said we were going to do podcasts for the first time this year. After we started talking I forgot the microphone was even there. I really enjoyed them and hopefully I will do it again one day.
Now on to the topic. For this to be an experiment and most of us had never done this before I think we did good. The first two podcasts had trouble with the microphone. They were either too loud or too quiet and had to be fixed. Once that problem was resolved everything seemed smoother on the next ones.
Dr. Strange said next year he may do video podcasts and I think that will also be fun to do. The casual conversation in some of the pod casts seemed better to me because it felt more natural and less rehearsed. Some people went back and for asking and answereing questions and that seem more awkward to me. But in the end they more good and from this point they will start getting better.

Mathematics with technology

In the matematics with technology podcast many teachers do not see the need for technology in a math class. What they do not realise is that it is needed and used. Teachers use overhead projectors and calculators in class and that is a form of techology. In math technology is used all the time. Text books are not the greatest way to learn in my opinion. Math is applied in all aspects of life including technology.
This class is a great example of how fast technology is growing and if you do not jump on the learning train you will be left behind. In our spread sheets we made a multipication table and that is an example of useing technology with math. I think more teachers need to use technology is math because it may make learning math more fun.

The Stanford Challenge

A growth mind is better than a fixed mind. A study at Stanford University showed the difference bettween two types of students minds. The fixed minds were not motivated to learn more. The growth minds did want to learn more.
This helps me as a future teacher be able to pick out the students who do want to learn. The fixed minds did not have to motivation to push themselves like the growth minds did. Hopefully I fit into the growth mind catagory.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Booming Sands

This is a video pod cast on iTunes called Booming Sands. It was sand in Death Valley, California that they were talking about making a booming sound when friction is happening. This was interesting because I did not know sand could make a booming sound.
Video pod casts are cool. Regular pod cast are kinda like talk radio to me. But with video you can use charts and other things to deminstrate what you are talking about and I think students would like that better. This podcast can be used during a science class.

iTunes Podcast

SmartBoard Lesions is the first podcast that I listened to. This podcast was very interesting. SmartBoard lessons comes out with a new lesson every week. If you think that you might want to get the SmartBoard, these podcasts are very informative. Ben Hazzard and Joan Badger have very good ideas. Although they do talk an aweful lot.

The other podcast I listened to was KidCast. He talked about kids creating podcast because that was part of the lesson plan, not because they wanted to. Also he talks about students having to make a presentation about the podcast and what the children learned. I found this very interesting.

This week in photography was another podcast that I listened to. This podcast was mainly about new cameras that are available to the public. They talk a lot about the features on the new Nikon camera. These people ramble on a little, but the point that they are trying to get across comes out clearly.

Edtectalk is very educational. This podcast helps teachers use technology in the classroom. Also they help teachers interact with parents with parents-as-partners. World bridges was another tool that they used. These helpers do these podcast voluntarily.


This is about two podcasts on iTunes called The Edible Schoolyard and A Night in the Global Village. The Night in the Global Village is about Rocky Mountain School students visiting Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas. The students learn how everyday life is in third world countries like Zimbia. The children had to live like they do. They actually slept in the same kind of housing as the people in the other countries. The students were given a few supplies and then had to barter with the students in the other "countries" to get supplies they need.
The other one on Edible Schoolyard was about students learning skills while working on a garden. The skills they used included: math, social, and science. This actually remindes me of Horticulture at Mary G. Montgomery High School. Students work in green houses growing plants and vegtebles and then in the spring sell them to customers. The money goes back into Horticulture.
Both of these experiences are very good life skills. Hands on experience is the best kind of experience. Dr. Strage talks about how bad burp back education is and here are two examples of how school are working on changing that.

Duke University iPod

This article was very interesting. Duke University gave everyone of the freshmen class an iPod for this experiment at no charge. Apprently it was a great success. Many of the students used their iPod to record lectures and keep up with exam dates. This helped many students do better with their studies.
The iPods were also used as alarm clocks. When living in dorms the noise complaints were down because alot of the students used their iPods instead of loud radios. Also on trips with sports teams students would let other students listen to their iPods and this opened up communication between other people. The row team also used the iPod to record the calls durning practice. They also kept track of their records from races. Students also used the iPod as a back up disk for their computers.

Dr. Alice Christie

I went to this website and read the article about pod casts. I choose this one because we did pod casts in this computer class. It is a good way to reach people all over the world and they can hear your lesson instead of just reading it. Dr. Christie's website was about useing technology in the classroom and podcasts are a good way to do this.


This was interesting to read about. I have heard of Wickipedia and I knew people could write things on it but I had no clue who was writing stuff. Virgil Griffith invented the Wikipedia Scanner to see who was changing things on Wickipedia and the answeres were surprising. It said the CIA, Walmart, Church of Scientology, Catholic Church, political parties and other high up people. I guess it is true that you can not trust what is on Wickipedia.

Best of Fisch Bowl October

This one is call Two Steps Back. The writter talks about how the school is giving access to the wireless web to staff and students. This is good because the computer labs are almost always full. This way the students who could not get to an open computer can bring a lap top and use it in school.
The filter has over rides so staff member can see if a web site can be used in class. Students do not have this access so can only get to the sites the school says is educational. This is a good thing. This way students can not bring a lap top and look up dirty sites.

Best(?) of the fischbowl 2007

The September blog was very blunt. The writter was having a bad day when this blog way written. The writter did have some good points to what he was saying. Teachers do need to get with the program and quit being afraid of the computer. The only problem is some teacher will not take the classes needed to learn the programs.
I am taking a computer class right now to be better prepared when I enter the work force. At my school every future teacher has to take this EDM 310 class and we will all be better because of it. I think if more teachers would take these classes our students will benifit from it.

International shools

This is a school called Zurich in Switzerland. The students blogs are like newsletters to the parents. This helps parents stay informed. It also updates current events in the community. The schools sports teams are updated on the blog to keep the students informed on how the team is doing.

Bali, Indonesia has a school called Green School. It has a open green campus where children learn to respect and care for nature. This is the first year this school has been open. At this school, each grade has its own blog. The site looked very interesting.

Blogs in the U.S. Schools

Hannah Monarchs is a school in New Jersey. It is a social studies class. The blog is very colorful and informative. It has poems and blogs abouth what is going on in the classroom. New Jersey schools are about the same as the ones in Alabama.

There is a school in Austin, Texas with a elementary blog that has lesson plans on it. I also saw a list of authors for the students to read. It has presidential speeches and a lot of other neat things.