Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This is about two podcasts on iTunes called The Edible Schoolyard and A Night in the Global Village. The Night in the Global Village is about Rocky Mountain School students visiting Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas. The students learn how everyday life is in third world countries like Zimbia. The children had to live like they do. They actually slept in the same kind of housing as the people in the other countries. The students were given a few supplies and then had to barter with the students in the other "countries" to get supplies they need.
The other one on Edible Schoolyard was about students learning skills while working on a garden. The skills they used included: math, social, and science. This actually remindes me of Horticulture at Mary G. Montgomery High School. Students work in green houses growing plants and vegtebles and then in the spring sell them to customers. The money goes back into Horticulture.
Both of these experiences are very good life skills. Hands on experience is the best kind of experience. Dr. Strage talks about how bad burp back education is and here are two examples of how school are working on changing that.

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